How is Omicron Variant Different than Other COVID-19? All You Need to Know

The whole world hasn’t even recovered entirely from Coronavirus and a new and deadly Omicron Variant of COVID has already started spreading around. According to the Omicron variant latest news, this new Omicron subtype BA.2 is spreading very quickly and could even be more dangerous than Omicron itself.

The original Omicron symptoms should be understood very well else you get confused between other COVID variants and Omicron. Here, we will discuss everything related to it. 


What is the Omicron variant? 

Omicron is a new variant of COVID-19 that has a higher infectivity rate than the original Corona Virus itself. Omicron is quite distinct from other COVID-19 variants. Many researchers have begun saying that antibodies taken for COVID-19 won’t be effective for Omicron at all. 

Omicron is very different from the original COVID-19 variants, whether talking about symptoms, the recovery rate, or the speed of transmission. Every single attribute is enough to differentiate COVID-19 from Omicron and this is the reason why you must have detailed information about the Omicron variant of Coronavirus. It will help you understand and fight the condition better. 

How is the Omicron variant different from other COVID-19 variants? 

Omicron is growing at a very faster rate than other variants of COVID-19, the main reason behind this is the unparalleled mutations taking place in Omicron. 

These mutations are helping Omicron to escape from the antibodies that were created by the body or injected in form of vaccines, which results in high transmission and infectivity. 

Are Omicron variant symptoms different from COVID-19 and other variants? 

We all are aware of the fact that the Delta variant is the most dangerous variant of COVID-19. Studies have shown that the Omicron variant symptoms are milder than Delta variants. 

Many symptoms like headache, runny nose, fatigue, and sore throat are common in all the variants of COVID-19 and it goes with Omicron as well. However, the thing that should be focused on is that the Delta variant also has symptoms of sneezing and loss of smell and taste. But Omicron has sneezing as a normal symptom yet the loss of taste and smell is not present. 

The order of these common Omicron symptoms is in this way, initially running nose, followed by fatigue, headache, and sneezing. Sneezing is not that common in most of the people infected from Omicron.  

Are antibodies of COVID-19 ineffective on Omicron? 

Many of us must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 but researchers have come to know that antibodies of COVID-19 are not effective on Omicron. 

Studies have suggested that more than 30 mutations take place on the Omicron protein spike which makes it resistant to the antibodies. These antibodies are not capable of binding with the S-Proteins present in the Omicron to reduce its effects. 

All of the research and experiments that have taken place so far are indicating one thing: the antibodies taken for COVID-19 are not enough for the Omicron and a new antibody needs to be introduced for assisting the body in fighting against the Omicron virus. 

The Omicron variant has similar symptoms as COVID-19, yet there are some different symptoms as well. 

The vaccine you took is not sufficient to protect you from the danger of Omicron, or it does not matter if you recovered from COVID in the past. However, death rates have been lower among vaccinated people.

The best you can do to stay safe is avoid gatherings and wear masks to protect yourself. We all know that prevention is always better than cure.