High Blood Sugar Can Lead The Death Of The COVID-19 Patients

Higher levels of blood sugar can increase the risk of corona-infected deaths. Patients with COVID-19 who have high blood sugar levels without a previous diagnosis of diabetes may be at higher risk of death. They may also increase the risk of other severe complications from infectious diseases.

According to the study published in the journal Diabetologia, a direct relationship between fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels during hospitalization and clinical findings of corona infectives has not been correctly established. Researchers have examined the relationship between FBG and 28-day mortality of COVID-19 patients without a prior diagnosis of diabetes when admitted to two hospitals in China.

High Blood Sugar

The study said, doctors should examine blood sugar in all COVID-19 patients, even if they have not previously had diabetes, as most of the infected are suspected of having glucose metabolic disorders.

Also, it has been ruled out that high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart patients are not at higher risk of infection with coronavirus than ordinary people.

80% of corona-infected patients usually have a mild fever, sore throat, and cough. Also, the recovery rate among patients has risen. But for patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and pre-existing heart disease, the situation may be fragile. Complications can increase. Such patients require more care.

Generally, patients with uncontrolled high blood sugar are more likely to get all types of infections. Take diabetes-related medicines on time, so that blood sugar remains under control. More attention is required in such patients in case of infection, and they have to monitor their blood sugar every once in a while.

In the research so far, no evidence proves that blood pressure drugs promote the severity of the infection. These drugs control blood pressure and prevent heart failure. Discontinuing these medications by themselves during coronavirus infection can undoubtedly make the problem acute. This may increase the risk of heart disease. So do not stop blood pressure medicines.

In case you have a fever, and your body is aching badly, avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Such drugs may make coronavirus infection more severe. It can also damage both the heart and kidneys. It is safe to take paracetamol if you feel a risk of infection. Exercise daily to control blood pressure and high blood sugar. Avoid smoking and alcohol. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and protein.

Seek medical advice if you have a fever, cough, muscle ache, shortness of breath. These symptoms point to a virus infection. Stay indoors for 14 days after signs are detected. Stay away from family members. Use a mask. Do not take any medicine on your own.